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Spotlight on…

Emanuela Fracassi

An idea needs people to turn it into a reality. Although RINGANA products speak for themselves, without our Fresh Partners who are working all over Europe on behalf of freshness, RINGANA could never achieve its unique growth. Once a month, we turn the spotlight on one of our successful Fresh Partners.

Interview with Emanuela Fracassi from Italy



What tip do you always give new Fresh Partners who are just setting out?

One really practical tip I’d like to share is to sample all the products so that you can really appreciate the great care they give you. The obvious result is that you’ll be eager to share your positive experiences with the products and will therefore talk about RINGANA. Discovering RINGANA fresh skin care made me want to get more and more people interested, and supply them with fresh products. Another piece of advice that I always give: enjoy what you’re doing, and always keep your personal goal in mind. Because that’s the most authentic way of representing RINGANA and the products.


What is your absolutely favourite RINGANA product?

My favourite product is the FRESH tooth oil, although I found it a little difficult to use initially. The feeling of having oil in my mouth was somewhat unusual for me, and I had to get used to it first. But I stuck at it and now I use it every day. All I can say is that it was worth it, and it was only a question of developing a routine until I became accustomed to it.


What are your daily RINGANA to do’s?

My most important daily routines involve using the RINGANA products. Tooth oil and facial care twice a day, mornings and evenings. Another one: after I’ve applied FRESH hand balm and FRESH foot balm, I get into bed to read, and enjoy the lovely smell and the way that my skin instantly feels more supple.


What was your best experience ever with RINGANA?

That was definitely when I reached the all-important Target 5. On 28 November my statistics page showed Target 4, and just 3 days later I reached Target 5 for the first time. It was an indescribable feeling. I could hardly believe it, and had to check twice to make sure it was true 😉


What does the flexible RINGANA sales model mean for you and your everyday life?

For me, the RINGANA sales model means that I can look after my two children (12 and 7) much better and more flexibly.


How do you deal with a no?

Very calmly. I believe that every person should be free to make their own decisions. I first encountered RINGANA eight years ago, but I didn’t buy any of the products. I only decided in February 2020 that I wanted to sample the products. I think that there is a perfect time for everybody 😊


What is your ultimate secret of success with RINGANA?

My passion for the products. That keeps me focused and every day it shows me ways that I can grow even more

I have a clear vision that drives me, and I have set my sights on big goals that I want to achieve – even if challenges come up repeatedly along the way. One of them, for instance, was being asked to do “Spotlight on…”. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share things about myself with people I don’t even know, but then I said to myself: “I’ve been given this opportunity, so I’m going to make use of it!”


Our sincere congratulations! We are proud to have Fresh Partners like you!

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